Are you a mountain biker or a family cyclist? The cycling network around lake Millstatt hassomething special to offers for both. During your tours, you will always be escorted by a fascinating panorama. Countless, car-free cycling kilometers snake their way through the breathtaking landscape and lead every biker, from the smallest to the most athletic, to a cyclist’s heaven. The possibilities in the region tremendous.
Team-Aktivitäten & Schulungen
Wir bieten unseren Gästen möglicherweise das wohl vielfältigste und beste Wochenprogramm aller Hotels in Österreich. Viele Highlights bieten wir Euch an. Wenn ihr Lust habt, macht mit uns Gastgebern und den Gästen einfach mit. Lernt die Gegend und die Leute kennen. Gemeinsame Aktivitäten machen viel Spaß und schweißen zusammen. Auf gute Schulungen legen wir viel Wert. So haben wir in unserem Team 13 Jungsommeliers, fördern Persönlichkeitstraining, bieten jährlich Rot Kreuz-Kurse, Cocktailschulungen,….
Ein jährlicher Betriebsausflug darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Ein besonderes Zuckerl für unsere fleißigen Lehrlinge und Praktikanten ist die sommerliche Ringo- und Motorboot-Fahrt.
Our biker & wheel advantages at a glance
- Bike and mountain bike rental in the hotel 2 E-Bikes (1 with child seat) for hire
- Tour preparation and review on the big screen in the armory parlor
- Children: bicycle seats and children's trailers
- Lockable bike basement for storing
- Cooperation with Nock-bike and daily tours with the Krainer Sports school included in the Bike Week Program
Mitarbeiter-Unterkunft & Verpflegung
In unmittelbarer Nähe zu unseren beiden Betrieben befindet sich unser Team-Haus. Einzel und Doppelzimmer, schnelles Internet und Zentralheizung, Kühlschrank, Teekocher,…. Nikoletta und Inna haben immer wieder neue Ideen wie sie unser Team mit neuen Annehmlichkeiten im Zimmer überraschen können. NEU: Moderne Gemeinschaftsküche zum Kochen und für gesellige Abende.
Hier findest du unsere freien Stellen. Gerne freuen wir uns auch auf deine Initiativ-Bewerbung an office@.
Our biker & wheel advantages at a glance
- Bike and mountain bike rental in the hotel 2 E-Bikes (1 with child seat) for hire
- Tour preparation and review on the big screen in the armory parlor
- Children: bicycle seats and children's trailers
- Lockable bike basement for storing
- Cooperation with Nock-bike and daily tours with the Krainer Sports school included in the Bike Week Program
Our Top Bike & cycling Tours
- Mountain wine taverntour through Millstatt: Mountainbike tour with stopovers in two excellent wine taverns. Total length: 9.7 km; Height: 417m; Travel time: approx. 2 hours; Difficulty: medium; Terrain: forest & gravel roads
- Lake Millstatt-Egelsee-Tour: From the hotel, to Seeboden and then follow the direction Egelsee. Over forest roads and paths past the guesthouse Lug into the countryside, A chapel (nice viewpoint) uphill to St. Wolfgang - GuesthouseSimeter - and back to Seebodner Bay. Total length of the route: 25.4 km; Height: approx. 310 m; Travel time: approx. 2.5 hours; Difficulty: moderate; Terrain: 50% forest roads, 50% asphalt paths, two trial sections
- Millstätter Alp Tour: A day trip with a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains and Lake Millstatt. From Millstatt the tour leads along the beautiful cycle path toDobriach and Radenthein, ascend to Kaning, to the Nöringgraben and the Riegleralm, to the old mountain road to the Millstätter Törl, from there to the Alexander hut and to the direction of Millstatt. Total length of the route: 49 km; Height: approx. 1500m; Travel time: approx. 6 to 9 hours; Tour: difficult; Terrain: forest & gravel roads
- Lake Millstatt south shore-Tour: Along the bank, uphill to the Peterle farm, to the Laggerhof past the ship station, uphill through the village of Glanz, down towards Ferndorf, past the guesthouseLagger through the local area towards Brodprenten, Egelsee and a difficult trial toSeeboden. Total length of the route: 34.1 km; Height: 780 m; Travel time: approx. 3-4 hours; Difficulty: moderate; Terrain: 50% forest roads, 50% asphalt paths, some trial sections
- 3 hut tour with the longest single trail in Carinthia: From the hotel, the route leads along a little asphalt road to lake Millstatt’s high-plateau. Then take the toll road to the Schwaiger hut (1623 m). The highlight of the tour is the circular route between the three huts right on the Millstätter Alp. All three huts are open and tempt you not only with their excellent culinary delights, but also with a fabulous panoramic view oflake Millstatt and the mountain landscapes in the back ground. Return trip: either the same way to Millstatt or via Carinthia's longest single trail through the Millstätter Gorge. Altitude: approx. 1.300 m, distance: 26.5 km, travel time: approx. 3 - 7 hours, endurance: difficult
- Matzelsdorfer Alp Tour Starting point Sappl: The hiking trail to Matzelsdorf, at the church up to the Matzelsdorfer Alp cross, then left to Ambros hut. Back via Leitsberg alp /Lammersdorfer Alp road and Görtschach to the starting point in Sappl. Total length of the route: 12.6 km; Height: 825m; Travel time: approx. 2.5 hours; tour: difficult; terrain: forest & gravel roads